summer chaos

In the final days of summer the garden is turning into a chaotic splendor and I've been drawn to capture an impression of the riot. I like the idea of it but it's rather hard to look at, lol! Anyway, once again a more serious painting commitment is underway. I hope it lasts long enough to become a daily habit. I'll be back here more too. It works for me to write and share, even though the blogging buzz has diminished, and I hope there are a few of you that still drop by. Love and light to all x


sharon young said...

What a lovely riot of colour, Helen. Good to see you back, I have the same problem with blogging, I like the interaction wth others but so many things conspire to gobble up my day even though I'm retired.

Unknown said...

Ooohhh. I love it. Still reading. Keep posting